Tuesday 21 September 2010

the adventures of the mysteriosu cheesee..

so there i was, counting my millions earnt from my foot cheese, when i began to feel a starge sensation inbetween my toess..
" ahh, the cheese is a'growin'!" i thought as i grinned to myself , but alass, as i took a closer look, i saw that the cheese began to EVAPORATE!!!
so as i was faced with the tough dicision of deciding whether to just let it drift away, or to find some possible way to make it carry growing, it bagan to rapidy dissapear!!
but as i saw it dissapear, i noticed a cloud of cheesy gasfloating above my toes!
so now i have the tough decision of deciding whether to make more toe cheese, or make the cheesy gas into a deoderant company!! like LYNX!!
and so, my cheesy foot business had continued to this very dayy!
so goodbye bloggers, until i encounter more cheesy foot adventures.. :)

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